Additional Solutions


BFL is constantly working to improve its services for corporate customers. We offer one of the best payroll services and a unique solution in Laos to help your employees prepare for retirement.


Payroll Accounts Service

Fast processing


We offer a simple and convenient way for companies to shorten the processing of payroll to their employees, from the opening of the account to the payment of monthly wages.


Enrolling in the payroll service also gives each of your employees access to affordable and easy day-to-day banking & financing products.

  • Reduced time on payroll processing
  • Fast & on time payment
  • Upper hand & visibility on finance

Smart Plan

Company Saving Plan by BFL


SMART Plan is a real tool for social policy and economic efficiency, making it possible to motivate and retain your employees.


By setting up a SMART Plan, you help your employees to supplement their retirement income.


It helps employees build long-term savings, in an advantageous setting.


For more details, please contact your Relationship Manager.

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